Amazing News!

You've read and loved the Secret Sisters Mysteries, you own them and they're on your shelf ... there's just one little problem. They don't coordinate. The first book is small, hardback, and purple, and the rest are larger, paperback, and blue. If you're like me and you want your books in a series to match, this is a serious problem!

Well, guess what?

I have just released a new version of Secret Sisters that coordinates with the rest of the series, and for a limited time, you can get this book at a special price.

Secret Sisters
by Tristi Pinkston
plus free shipping!
(Offer good until April 30th, 2013)

For those of you who have never read Secret Sisters, this is your chance to give it a try at a great price. This fun LDS cozy mystery won the Silver Quill from the League of Utah Writers, and is a crazy romp through the lives of a fictional Relief Society presidency. 

Ida Mae Babbitt, president of the Omni 2nd Ward Relief Society, didn't mean to become a spy. But when visiting teaching stats are low and she learns that one family under her care is in financial trouble, she'll do whatever it takes to make sure they have what they need. If that includes planting surveillance cameras in their home and watching them from a parked car in the woods, well, isn't that what any caring Relief Society president would do?

With the help of her counselors Arlette and Tansy, Ida Mae soon learns that there's more to the situation than meets the eye. It's all in a day's work for the Relief Society.

But that's not all ...

When you order your copy, you will receive a sneak peek at the first chapter of Tulips and Treason, the first book in the series that comes after the Secret Sisters Mysteries. 

So how does this work? 

1. Pop me an e-mail at and tell me you'd like a copy of Secret Sisters on my special promotional price of $10.00 plus free shipping - a savings of up to $5.00!

2. Pay me by check or through PayPal - tell me which you'd prefer when you e-mail me.

3. Your book will be shipped straight from the printer as soon as I receive your payment.

4. I will e-mail you the free chapter of Tulips and Treason.

Tell all your friends! Tell all your family! Friends don't let friends go through life without reading Secret Sisters!